What Is Remote Viewing and How Does It Work?

Utter the term “psychic” to some people and you are likely to get scoffed at. But talk about “remote viewing” to the same people (once they learn what it is) and you’ll likely get and enthusiastic and interested response. Remote viewing has only recently begun to become known as a phenomenon with relatively broad recognition.  Here we take a closer look at the practice of remote viewing to understand the distinctions between remote viewers and psychic practitioners.

remote viewing

What is Remote Viewing?

According to the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), remote viewing “is a novel perceptual discipline for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses.” In that sense, it is more than just being able to collect information about faraway locations.

The first question one might ask is: what is the difference between remote viewing and clairvoyance or other psychic (psi) abilities? IRVA says, “…it is obvious that remote viewing is related to so-called psi (also known as “psychic” or “parapsychological”) phenomena such as clairvoyance or telepathy. Whatever it is that seems to make it possible for human beings to do remote viewing is probably the same underlying ability that makes such things as clairvoyance work.”

The differences are:

  • Most remote viewing occurs under controlled conditions in a lab.
  • It is not done for the purposes of giving readings or “fortune-telling.”
  • Is based in scientific methodology.
  • Is often conducted with a monitor (a sort of guide) with strict scripted formats for experimental purposes and scientific protocols.

The History of Remote Viewing

Remote viewing has its roots in the American Society for Psychical Research in the 1960’s and early 70’s where out-of-body experiments were being conducted. Some of the early participants were Ingo Swann and Dr. Hal Puthoff (a physicist at the Stanford Research Institute think tank), both now famous in the world of remote viewing. The work quickly gained the attention and subsequent funding of the Central Intelligence Agency and later the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military organizations. By 1978 remote viewing was being experimented with for applications in intelligence gathering against military adversaries. In 1991the program was renamed “Star Gate.”

Meanwhile, civilian groups had been doing their own remote viewing experiments, and by 1995 the CIA had released a controversial report claiming that remote viewing was ineffectual as an intelligence gathering tool. Portions of the program were declassified and eventually the program was shut down. In the years since, many of the program’s participants have gone public with books and other media divulging remote viewing techniques.

Among its intelligence and espionage functions, remote viewing has been used in operations to locate Gaddafi in Libya (so the US could bomb him) and to locate a missing plane in Africa.

Remote Viewing into the Future

The Farsight Institute is a research organization that seeks to transcend the scientific paradigm that “consciousness is a phenomenon strictly related to brain physiology,” holding instead that consciousness exists throughout creation. In this view, the human body is simply a tuning device that “that connects us to an underlying field of nature through which knowledge of all things is possible.”

One of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with remote viewing, Farsight notes, is to accurately predict the future. Certain types of experiments have a high rate of failure, while others succeed. The likely explanation for this is that the future doesn’t exist in one linear probability, but as multiple possibilities; i.e. multiple universes. Theoretical frameworks such as quantum mechanics have long proposed the existence of multiple timelines and realities.  Farsight continues to conduct experiments based on this framework.

Is Remote Viewing Real?

Remote viewing is, then, the institutionalization of psi phenomenon. Framed as a scientific methodology, the element of remote viewing that is “related to so-called psi phenomenon” is given credibility as a “mind technology” worthy of study apart from its “spiritual” qualities.

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What Is Telepathy?

telepathyTelepathy is one of the most well known, researched and coveted psychic abilities around. We’ve all watched superhero movies where one of the protagonists can read minds and often wished that we could do the same. But what do we really know about the very real gift of telepathy outside of the glamorised movie portrayal? Well, in its most basic form, telepathy is simply the ability to read a person’s thoughts, or to communicate with another individual without using sound, body language or visual cues. On the face of it, being able to read the minds of the people around you is a very attractive prospect indeed.

Can anyone be Telepathic?

There are two kinds of telepath, the natural telepath and learned telepath. Natural telepaths are born with the ability to read minds and/or to communicate mentally. Usually, natural telepaths discover their abilities to some degree at a young age. Young minds are more susceptible to psychic abilities as the capacity for logical thought hasn’t yet developed; this allows the mind to accept the information it is receiving without questioning what, how and why it is receiving it. The earlier a natural telepath recognises their ability to read someone else’s mind, the easier the process of using the ability will be in their adult life.

Learned telepaths are psychics that teach themselves to read minds and communicate mentally by opening up their subconscious mind to another person’s aura and channeling that energy. This technique is referred to as “aural parallelization” and can be extremely difficult to master as it requires the psychic to tune into and match a specific aura to be able to access another individual’s inner thoughts. Aural parallelization can be extremely draining on a psychic and many opt not to attempt to obtain the gift at all.

Although you can be born with or learn telepathy, there are still a few different forms of the ability.

Synchronous Telepathy

Synchronous telepathy is the most widely known form of telepathy, which is where the psychic can tap directly into a person’s mind to read (or hear) the person’s thoughts directly. This is usually done in passing, much like True Blood’s Sookie Stackhouse.

Latent Telepathy

Latent telepathy is the method in which a psychic can receive direct messages from a person’s mind. Latent telepathy is not as instantaneous as synchronous telepathy; the individual has to concentrate on and project a single thought or message so the telepaths ability to “hear” it tends to take time. Of course it only takes a few seconds for a message to travel from one person to the psychic, and this form of telepathy can be disturbed by outside interference such as noise, electronic frequencies and weather conditions.

Emotional Telepathy

Emotional telepathy is the method in which a psychic can send or receive an emotional message from another person. Emotional telepathy relies on feelings and sensations as opposed to mental images and words like the others methods do. Some experts believe that emotional telepathy is closely linked with psychic empathy as both abilities are centred on the sharing of emotions.

The most appealing and interesting thing about telepathy is that once one method is mastered, the others are close to follow because the basic premise of each form is so similar.

How can I develop my Telepathic Ability?

The single most important thing to do when developing telepathy (as with any form of psychic ability) is to recognize and accept that you can do it. Once you accept that you indeed have a psychic ability like telepathy, you can begin to use it. The next step is to research, research, and research some more.

The best way to develop telepathy is to understand exactly what it is that you’re developing; once you learn what telepathy is on a deeper level, you can begin to make progress with your talent for it. You must dedicate your time to learning about telepathy before you can dedicate your time to practicing it. Lastly, don’t forget the importance of meditation. Meditation will always be the foundation for the development of any psychic ability. Once you master the art of meditation, you will be able to build the foundations of telepathy upon it.

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What Is Past Life Regression?

past life regressionThe idea that we as humans live multiple lifetimes is rooted in many religions of the East, especially Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism as well as many other non-Eastern philosophical systems. Reincarnation is considered a fact of life within these belief systems, while in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) it is viewed as non-existent.

There is, however, evidence to suggest that Christianity once accepted the doctrine of reincarnation up until AD 553 when it was officially rejected at the Fifth Ecumenical Council at Constantinople, and there are certain sects within Judaism and Christianity that still do embrace it. Despite the conflicting belief systems, the idea of reincarnation has found its way into popular culture and thought.

Why Do We Reincarnate?

Reincarnation assumes that we are more than the physical bodies we inhabit, that there is something that animates the body which we can call “spirit” or “soul” or simply “consciousness.” Some traditions that accept reincarnation (such as Buddhism) believe that we reincarnate not only in human form, but that we can also take animal or even plant form because they, like humans, are sentient beings.

Although the concept of reincarnation varies from tradition to tradition, in general it holds that it is a part of a process of evolution of our soul or consciousness. When we enter human form from wherever we came from—we can call it “Source” (although Buddhism doesn’t really address much about origins)—the experience of consciousness must incorporate a vast realm of existential experience which is governed by karma.  Karma encompasses the sum total of your experiences as a reincarnating being, and is the idea that everything you experience or do, bad or good, must be balanced out eventually (the law of cause and effect).

When your consciousness has become self aware and disciplined enough to cease repeating karmic patterns, it can liberate itself from the cycle of death and rebirth (which is defined by suffering) and ascend to a state beyond human form, sometimes called “pure mind” or “pure consciousness.”

How To Find Out Who You Were in a Past Life

The very nature of being human is defined by the quest to become conscious, and becoming conscious is about learning to understand how we create the karma that keeps us locked into the cycle of death and rebirth. Some would say that it is also about learning how to tap into the part of our consciousness that contain the memories of our past lives.

If we are paying attention in our lives, we can find clues that point to the possibility of past lives. For example, consider a very young girl child who has recurrent dreams as she grows up of being a soldier fighting on the front lines of a war and dying in an explosion, perhaps from a landmine. This would be a pretty good sign of past life “bleed-through” because there would be very little reason to believe it is her psyche trying to work through some kind of psychological issue related to her current young life, and because it would be quite possible that the girl would have had no exposure to such images. Recurrent dreams such as this can provide valuable clues to past lives.

Other ways to become aware of past life existences would be with the help of other professionals; either psychics gifted with the ability to sense past lives or with people trained in past life regression.  Past life regression is a type of hypnotic regression whereby a person reaches deep within the recesses of his/her consciousness to pull out repressed memories from other lifetimes.

Why does it Matter?

Sometimes people find themselves stuck in deeply entrenched dysfunctional patterns of behavior that they cannot seem to break. These can manifest as relationship problems, addictions, money issues or any number of other types of problems that keep people from realizing their full potential and living happy, successful lives. Digging deep to recover memories can help shed light on why certain patterns keep repeating themselves, or to understand the nature of a particular relationship that defies explanation.

The ultimate goal is becoming conscious and healing old wounds in the interest of living a more satisfying life in the present, but also to do the soul’s work of evolving to a state that transcends the cycle of reincarnation and human suffering.

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The Origin of Superstition

superstitionWe all know that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, and that knocking on wood stops bad things from happening, but have you ever wondered what the origin of those superstitions are? Superstitions are embedded in our behavioral patterns and not many people even question how they came to be. Of course, there are a lot of interesting stories about origins of popular superstitions, and it comes as no surprise they all hail from times long gone.

Walking under a ladder superstition

Walking under a ladder is believed to be unlucky. People usually just avoid walking underneath the ladders, but rarely question where this superstition originated from. The answer is macabre – In medieval times, hanging was one of the most popular choices for executions. Executioners that removed the corpse after a hanging had to approach with a ladder. This caused the people to avoid walking beneath the ladder because the attention of the executioner is not something they wanted to acquire.

The number seven

Seven is somewhat a magical number and appears in many superstitions. Breaking a mirror, for example, brings seven years of bad luck. What is very interesting about this particular superstition is that it originated before the invention of mirrors. Catopromancy is an old form of divination where bowls of water were used to predict the future, and any shakes on the surface of the bowl was viewed as bad fortune.

Since people can see their view on the surface of the water, they connected that with mirrors. What further solidified that belief is the fact that first mirrors were made with a silver coating, which were unbreakable. Naturally, when they were replaced with glass mirrors and they broke, the general population thought that to be bad luck. They were also so expensive that seven years of hard labor were needed to pay off the debt breaking one would create.

Knocking on wood superstition

Early pagans had many gods, and usually lived in a closer relationship with nature than we do now. Many of their deities were believed to live in the trees, and many of these deities were believed to create a protecting ward on those who they deemed favorable. Naturally, pagans of old wanted to get in favor with gods, and in order to do that they had to contact them. Since they lived in trees, knocking on wood became a way of contacting a preferred god, of letting it know that a bit of protecting magic could be helpful in a certain situation. That is why we believe knocking on wood brings good luck and fortune. This became even more prominent with Christianity and the wooden cross.

Opening an umbrella indoors

Umbrellas are common today, but it was always like that. In Victorian times only the highest classes of society could be seen walking around with an umbrella. Of course, umbrellas weren’t as practical then as they are today, and required pretty complicated mechanisms to open up. That mechanism was pretty clunky, so opening it indoors could present a real danger. That is why today we believe opening up an umbrella indoors means bad luck.

Black cats

Cats were believed to bring good luck in ancient Egypt. Yet today we believe a black cat crossing the road brings nothing but misfortune. Various cultures around the world will perform different rituals to protect themselves from the bad luck a black cat crossing the road might bring. This is because King Charles I spoke openly about his lack of luck after his cat died. He loved his pet and believed all hope was lost after it departed to the afterlife. The population heard the word “cat” and associated it with the lack of luck of their king, and subsequently started avoiding all contacts with cats.

Superstitions come from many different interesting stories such as these and some are super fascinating. People will always associate objects and actions that have to do with the unfortunate situations and avoid it all costs. This is basic human nature and will most likely always endure. It is always entertaining to find out the stories behind these customs and realize the events that transpired in order for them to become a part of reality. Stories are interesting to hear as they are a part of history and ultimately a part of what we are today.

What superstitions do you believe? Do you know where they came from?


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Psychic Readings By Phone Vs. Face-To-Face

phone readingPsychic readings are a part of the world ever since we as a species noticed that not everything is easily explainable. The mysterious life energy is felt by everyone no matter where they live on the planet. Psychics are people with extraordinary abilities to feel and read into a spiritual energy and draw conclusions from it. Celebrities, world leaders and sport stars are known to be especially fond of psychic readings. Some visit psychics personally, while some use phone apps and similar interactive devices to get their readings.

Why do people like psychics?

Psychic readings are used by a great deal of people for many reasons. First and foremost, they may be able to forecast the future and warn about unfavorable events that may come. Since most everyone cares about the future, the services of psychics are well sought after. Psychics are also trained in the art of removing negative energy and reestablishing the flow of positive life energy, and as such can help heal and revitalize some people. Psychics can have positive influence on dreams, relationships, career and numerous other aspects of life.

Should you see a psychic in person or talk on the phone?

Because of the wide range of services they provide, psychics are in great demand throughout the globe. In order to make seeing a psychic easier, many people started using different phone apps or phone numbers to hold an appointment with a psychic. This is easier and saves time, but has many disadvantages to the traditional way of visiting a psychic in person. Each of the two has its own advantages and disadvantages, and different psychics prefer different methods.

Some psychics prefer to do only in person readings until they know enough about their client to be confident enough to do long distance readings reliably. This happens because an important part of a psychic reading is knowing the traits the client possess. The more a psychic knows a client, correct readings become more probable. There are psychics who believe that meeting the client is not the best idea because he or she can influence them and cause the readings to be inaccurate. All in all, different psychics use different methods in order to make sure the results are satisfactory.

Distance may not matter

Of course, distance is a factor too. Some clients want to have their readings done by a specific psychic, but he or she might leave far away from them. In this instance, only phone or email readings are possible, in case a client does not want to commit to travel. This provides both psychics and clients with ease of access. Being able to contact your psychic at all times is another advantage of phone readings. Sometimes timing is crucial and you need a specific reading instantly, so you can contact your psychic by phone and have it done at moment’s notice.

In-person psychic readings

In-person readings on the other hand allow the emotions and thoughts to be expressed in a more detailed manner. While a reading on the phone can allow you to act in the spur of the moment and express your instant concerns and emotions, personal visits allow the psychic to draw from your expression, your energy, and the way you talk. A big part of choosing how you want your reading done is what psychic you choose. Make sure to ask about what type of communication works best for both of you, as different methods suit different people.

Psychic readings are mysterious and there are no rules set in stone about what to do. The best advice is to follow the leads your psychic provides and do as they think its best. Your own location, availability and preference matter a lot, of course, so take that into consideration when deciding on performing psychic readings in person or by phone.

Being open during psychic readings is key, so make sure to talk to your psychic and explain everything that is on your mind. They will assess the situation and present you with the optimal way you can continue with readings. If the solution suits you, try to go with his or her suggestion as they have years of experience in the field. There are differences and advantages to both methods, so make sure to think long and hard about them before making your final decision. You can always try one way and if you’re not satisfied, try the other. There’s no right or wrong; simply what suits you best.

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The History of Palmistry

palm readingPalmistry is a science and an art of reading signs from the lines located on palms of a hand. It was created in ancient India and quickly spread to Egypt, and then Europe. Palmistry was met with both admiration and skepticism ever since it came to life. It was studied by numerous ancient minds along with astrology, and has been developed throughout the history of the world.

Psalmists were banned early on

During the Dark Ages it was banned and prosecuted in Europe, along with other spiritual practices. Practitioners of palmistry were judged and prosecuted as devil worshipers, and had to resort to hiding and taking refuge in order to continue developing their art. When the prosecution ended and the world entered a more enlightened period, palmistry flourished, as it does today.

The reason for success of palmistry is the fact that everyone yearns to finds the answers to hidden mysteries and truths about themselves. Palmistry has the potential to discover psychological states, truths about a character and hidden signs of health status of a certain individual. It can reach deep into one’s soul and reveal truths that could be hidden in there for ages.

The palms reveal traits

Numerous doctors and psychologists from around the globe say that palms of the hand can reveal traits of one’s character and both the state of physical and mental health. Palmists combine intuition, spirituality and the reading of the palm of a hand in order to reveal these secrets. Palms of the hand, much like a person’s character, change over the years and provide subtle signs of numerous characteristics and conditions.

We live in great times for palmistry today because palmists are readily available at all times. Where before it was hard to find an expert palmist, and only certain neighborhoods had access to them, now we can contact palmists by phone, email, or Skype and schedule a meeting in no time. Palmists will go through a large amount of intricate steps in order to interpret the lines on your palm. The conclusions they draw will provide you with foresight to the future, current condition and the state of your mind and body.

The dominant hand

Palmists read from both hands and draw different conclusions from them. The dominant hand is known as the birth hand in the palmist community and the palmist will usually take a look at it first. They interpret lines and apply the knowledge they have been gaining for a long time in order to provide you with answers or with the peace of mind.

Every palm is different and every person has different lines that showcase character and state of mental and physical health. People rely on palmists to help them improve different aspects of their lives, whether it is family life, face, relationship or financial well-being. Palmistry is a now classified as a branch of science and is a viable way to gain insight into your own condition.

Palms are like windows to peer through

With every palm there is a different story, and each palm changes over time. Palms are like a window through which a skilled palmists can see large amounts of useful information. Numerous world leaders and celebrities use palmists and attribute their skill and expertise to their own success. Palmists can quickly provide information that you can use to generally improve the quality of your own life. Palmistry in the past was only available to those who happened to live next to a palmist. Sometimes courts and different institutions employed a palmist in order to help with expert readings, but it was usually a thing of being fortunate enough to live near a palmist who can provide a reading.

Today we have more access to palmists than ever before. Not only can you easily obtain the address you need to get to if you want to visit a palmists, it is possible to communicate with them and schedule a visit.  Some palmists even make home visits, and remote appointments are a possibility as well. Because of this we are living in a very favorable era for all who appreciate palmistry. Getting a reading is easy and the world is filled with expert palmists who are ready to take a look at your hand and point out the condition of your body and your mind.


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What Is Psychic Energy?

psychic energyEverything consists of energy, as energy makes up the world and allows life to blossom and prosper. It is crucial to allow the energy to flow through you uninterrupted and allow you to be one with the world. Psychic energy allows certain individuals to tap into everything that exists beyond our senses and use it for different purposes. Psychics are a staple of the world for centuries. Ever since ancient times, people felt that a certain life energy exists and looked for different ways of understanding it. Psychics managed to tap into its source and unveil some of its mysteries.

What can psychic energy do?

Psychic energy can heal, communicate and foresee. Since its nature is mystical, the nature of psychic energy is unknown and hard to explain. Numerous individuals use psychic energy to create different results. Sometimes it is easy to feel the energy that surrounds us all, but sometimes it takes a lot of practice and concentration. Psychic energy is connected to a lot of unexplained phenomena, and is used daily by many to provide help and boost the quality of life.

Intuition and intention are crucial for everyone who deals with psychic energy. The law of attraction states that our life shapes itself by how our thoughts are. That means people who are more open to the energy that surrounds us and deal with negativity in a healthy manner become happier and more successful. Psychics have the ability to allow the uninterrupted flow of life energy, read signs from spiritual plains and generally use the energy to help people who come seeking their aid.

What is psychic healing?

Psychic healing is a process where a psychic channels energy and helps himself or a patient with a mental or physical hardship. There are different methods for doing this. Some psychics will encourage the patients to start motivating themselves in order to allow the healing energy to affect them. These self-help specialists will usually use words and feelings as their tools. They will work with you in order to achieve the wanted goals. There are psychics who prefer a direct approach and use contact in order to make sure healing energy reaches your mind and your body. They will use massages and different physical exercise as tools.

Psychics help rebalance energy

Because life can be exhausting and stressful it is important to step back and recharge from time to time. Psychics can help you do just that by helping you consolidate and balance the life energy inside you and allowing you to realize your potentials. They will help you reconnect with nature and regain the vitality that might have been lacking due to stress and busy schedules.

When the future seems uncertain, psychics can help. Astrologists are the most famous psychic experts who deal with reading what the future holds, but there are many others too. Tarot card readers, palm readers and others can predict what is about to happen to either you or the people you care about, and provide advice on how to act in certain situations. That is why numerous famous sport coaches hire psychics, they can help with the future and allow the person who is hiring them to act in a best manner possible when met with certain conditions.

Psychics and the spiritual world

Psychic energy is a word for the paranormal or everything conventional science can’t explain. Psychics or mediums are able to contact the spiritual world, and that is why many people hire them in order to attempt establishing communication with the deceased. Through communication with the spiritual plane, they can sense the state of the spirits and serve as a channel to the other world.

Getting rid of negative energy is another thing psychics can do. Negative energy layers into us when we worry or get exposed to large quantities of stress. Psychics can help move the negative energy away from your body and reintroduce positive healing energy back into your body and mind. This is done in numerous different ways, by cleaning the Auras and allowing the energy to flow back into every living cell.

Psychics are masters of the unseen and experts who understand spiritual plains and everything that normal senses cannot. They have been shunned by skeptics and glorified by those who used their services successfully for multiple centuries.

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Common Crystal Therapies To Help Healing

crystal healingGemstones are considered to be unique and beautiful rocks and almost everyone has their own preferred gemstone. There are many different gemstones available, as you might prefer a ruby, garnet, topaz, or an opal. Usually, we see these gemstones added to rings and pendants and other sorts of jewelry pieces. However, this is not the only sole purpose of these gemstones. In fact, these beautiful rocks are also used for crystal therapy as well.

Crystal therapy or gemstone therapy is basically the application of these crystals and gemstones to help foster healing in someone who is ill. These rocks are said to help in balancing and healing one’s body, mind, and soul. These rocks and gemstones are believed to have spiritual healing powers and properties and therefore they can be used in order to treat one from various physical, emotional, or mental ailments.

You must believe in them

You can wear these crystals in order to experience their healing properties or you could place them somewhere where you can feel their healing vibrations. Crystal elixirs can also be made by simply soaking the crystal in a glass of water for a couple of hours. However, in order to experience their healing properties, you must believe in the fact that these crystals and gemstones are capable of healing you.

As they say, only those who believe are able to witness it. Gemstones and crystals house spiritual properties that can be tapped in a variety of ways. There are many healers out there who practice these crystal therapies on their clients as well. Many times these healers place the rocks on the client’s reclined body. This is done in order to balance the chakras and the aura of the individual to bring balance in their life.

Each stone has its own unique property!

While doctors and scientist have difficulty in believing in the healing properties of crystals, many people agree to the fact that this method of healing does work. These therapies date back to at least 6,000 years ago and were used by the ancient Egyptians to heal sick people.  What you must understand is that each rock has its own unique properties. The color, the texture, and the shape of these stones all have some sort of special meaning to it.

Calcite is basically calcium carbonate, and calcium is the main constituent of the skeletal system.  Therefore, this particular rock is often used for mending the fractures of bones. Hematite is an iron oxide, and since iron helps to maintain red blood cells in the body and aids in oxygenating the blood, hematite is used to treat anemia along with other circulatory problems. Malachite is mainly copper and therefore it is used to reduce inflammation and for treating illnesses such as osteoarthritis.

Some common therapies include:

One of the most common crystal therapies includes meditation. It is believed that these gemstones and crystals call out to you. If you feel attracted to a particular stone, then it might be meant for you. Holding gemstones or a crystal while you meditate can help in relaxing the mind, soul, and body.

Another most common crystal therapy is color therapy.  This therapy uses the vibrational frequency of colors to make changes and to rebalance the body. The client is either asked to wear some certain colors of clothing, or is made to sit in a dark room with a light box, and is then made to bathe in a particular color of light for a particular period of time. Crystals are chosen according to the color.

For example, if the client happens to be suffering from an intestinal problem then the corresponding color would be orange and a carnelian can be used to treat this problem. An amethyst is also said to be to be beneficial for intestines. Meanwhile, the green aventurine is for the heart and the yellow topaz helps to provide mental clarity.

The simplest form of crystal therapy is to sleep with these rocks right beside you. Having an aragonite, quartz, amethyst, and copper placed right beside you, while you happen to have a jade under your pillow will surely help you out. These crystals are said to control the energy flow in and out of the body and keeping these rocks with you the entire time can help keep your mind at peace. These crystal therapies are preferred by many people who wish to get themselves healed in a natural way.


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Psychics, Fortune Tellers, and Mediums – What’s The Difference?

psychic mediumHave you ever wondered about the difference between a psychic, a medium and a fortune teller? Most people believe that all three of them are the same. However, this is not true. There are differences and it is important to be able to distinguish between them so you can know who you might like to see.

First, understand that a person can be both a psychic and a medium. However, not all psychics are mediums and not all mediums are psychics. It is not necessary for a psychic to be able to possess mediumship. Many time’s psychics are just simply psychics that read peoples’ energy, but do not communicate with the dead.

Psychics and mediums

Psychics are essentially those who believe that they possess multiple supernatural talents or senses. It is said that psychics are able to peer into a crystal ball and are able to see your future or know certain things about you. They may also be able to discern various things about you using a deck of tarot cards. Basically, they are people who can see the past, present, and future. They can answer questions and can also offer advice to their clients about things like their client’s health, money and love.

Some psychics even claim to be telekinetic, and they believe that they are able to move objects with their minds. Psychics have abilities that allow them to read an aura and to gain knowledge about the person’s past and present experiences. It also allows them to predict the future to a certain extent.

Telepathy is another one of the abilities that most psychics possess. According to them, each and every person living in this world is capable of possessing some sort or extent of supernatural abilities.

The differences between mediums and psychics

Mediums are different from psychics as mediums are said to be able to communicate with the deceased. Their ability can span both the physical and the spiritual worlds. There are many famous mediums that are able to communicate with the dead, and these types of seers are generally appreciated by the general public.

Mediums are like channels between the spirit world and the physical world we live in. They allow the spirits to inspire them and then they communicate with them with thoughts, and symbols and feelings. The medium then later conveys these messages to the client. These messages are basically proof of life after death, something that many religions also support. This is another reason to why many people find it easier to believe in mediums rather than psychics and fortune tellers.

Mediums use different techniques. These techniques include clairvoyance, which is basically seeing beyond the normal senses, clairaudience which is the ability of hearing beyond the normal senses, and lastly clairsentience, an ability to know about the emotional and physical states of people or items. Mediums who are clairsentience can also gather information from houses and buildings they’ve never been in before by feeling energies.

Both psychics and mediums require tools and the tools they use are different as well. Psychics usually work with items like tarot cards, palms, and astrological charts and they basically have no standard set of practices. Mediums, on the other hand, usually convey descriptions of information or images drawn on paper that are provided to them by spirits and this information is private and has to do with the client.

How to differentiate between psychics and fortune tellers?

A fortune teller, on the other hand, differs from both psychics and mediums. Fortune tellers basically tell you what they think you want to hear from them just to please you. Fortune tellers usually lay down heavy predictions and sometimes even bad news.

There are methods through which you can differentiate between a psychic and a fortuneteller. A true psychic never tries to impress its customers with a conversation about the New Age jargon. This includes some terminologies that you might not be able to understand at all.

True psychics often let their clients know how much research, study, observation and practice they have done in order to develop the skills they have, whereas a fortuneteller might avoid the question and say he or she was born with it.

A lot of times fortune tellers will try and take your money. They’ll say that they sense an evil curse on you which they can remove if paid a hefty amount. Compared to real psychics and mediums, fortunetellers like to play games and scare their clients for cash.

It’s always wise to do your homework before going to a psychic or medium, and steer clear of fortune tellers. If you’re not sure, ask for references or ask your friends or family for referrals.

The post Psychics, Fortune Tellers, and Mediums – What’s The Difference? appeared first on Psychic-Ratings.com.